Netbeans 6.8, Glassfish V3 and JavaEE6 released

The waiting is over, finally we get our hands on a production release of EE6 and Glassfish V3. Last week (Dec 10th) released, you also get it together with Netbeans 6.8. There is lot of attention and coverage on the latest version of the enterprise platform, so I spare you from my personal views,  though I was really looking forward to use it beyond previews and beta’s. I am excited to work with the matured and now “rightsized” framework. Time to get active on writing tutorials and books.

Some useful links with more details:

Release Fever Update

Quite a number of new releases (that bother me) hit us the last few days (weeks) and more to come.

  • Ubuntu 9.10 (the broken Koala) (link)
  • Netbeans 6.8 BETA (link)
  • Java EE6 in NB 6.8B (official release eventually in December) (link)
  • ZK 3.6.3 (link)