Remote Glassfish V3.1 and the mystical JMX settings

Once you have any serious sized application running on Glassfish, you need to profile and tune your server settings. A good tool to look under the hood of a running Glassfish is to to connect jconsole (part of JDK) to its JVM. This works without problem for a local Glassfish but when it comes to a remote instance you cant connect to the default Glassfish setup.

Lets look at the default setup

Glassfish Admin Console

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Code Review and Collaboration

So far I did not suceed finding an online code collaboration tool for code review that is embedded in Netbeans. Except the collab plugin which requires a XMPP server (which I installed but NB not really willing to log into it and rewarding me with errors). I found another tools which is not embedded in Netbeans but an editor by itself: GOBBY (link).
It supports several team members working on the same (text) file and comes with a chat. One needs to start in host mode, so no server is required. It runs both under Windows and Linux. Unfortunately I did not manage to make the Windows version talk to a Linux host.
It still works ok for me because I can share a file (from my Netbeans project) by opening it directly in Gobby. Once the changes are made and you go back to Netbeans, the IDE will update the modified file.

Gobby Collaboration Editor

Gobby Collaboration Editor

Sunday Afternoon Projects

I love 3D engines and the concepts of simuation of real world scenarios with realistic looking software. Most of the 3D engines are heavily infested with C, C++ or C# (due to higher performance) and almost all of them have a hefty learning curve, if you want to go beyond the click-and-play editor of the simple game engines. I dont really have time to get involved in technology that is too far away from Java and Java is not really known for powerful 3D graphics…until I found this:

  • JMonkeyEngine (JME is a highperformance 3D scene graph based graphics API)

    Josh Slack (the brain behind JMonkeyEngine) at Java One 2008

And if you want to have a simpler start into the world of physics, you can play with Phys2D. I even someone implementing a simple game in JavaFX using this ! Will share more on this on the next sunday afternoon sesion.

Browser Debugging

Sometimes you need more than the plain “View Source” feature of the browser. For a more in-deep approach of debugging javascript and more I came across 2 tools (I am sure there are more out there..).

Both help you to inspect, monitor and debug javascript, HTML and CSS.